NOTE: These recaps are a bit more for me than you. I’ll skip over stuff, include asides that are more personal notes to me, etc. Your mileage may vary. More detailed/sanctioned recaps will be available at at some point. This one’s a bit more slight because there’s slides.

Speaker: Brennan Dunn

  • I’m a hacker and I like growth
  • I’m more of a marketer these days.
  • Not using the “growth hacker” term, but might be talking about some things that are “gh-y”
  •, also two books, podcast, workshops
  • I do this for family. Home office is the archenemies.
  • Everything optimizes to less time in front of a computer.
  • We’re all here to grow
  • WoW: The idea is you want to level up. Just like business.
  • We’re all here to make more money.
  • Planscope is 2-2.5 years old.
  • “How big is your team?” .25 in a good week.

The all important sales funnel

  • Visitors > Trials > Activations > Paid
  • Treat one, it affects all the others. Same with churn.
  • Identify and tweak points of optimization.
  1. Reacquire drive-bys.
    • Retargeting (drive interested people back to you).
    • Information vs. product: Two paths, “Google, how do I raise my rates?” or “Google, I need project management software.”
    • First group doesn’t really know about Planscope. The second knows and needs the product.
    • One size fits all retargeting is a very bad idea.
    • First group: Facebook to email course. Second group, display network.
    • Retargeting is more than just converting visitors. Invite for 1-on-1 onboarding, rsvp for webinar, success stories or usage guides, product updates, reinforce lifecycle email communication
    • Retargeting as push RSS (retarget blog posts to paid customers)
  2. Segmentation.
    • Goal: Make this a product-for-one
    • Are you a team or solo? Or you design or dev? How do you bill? Becomes choose-your-own-adventure onboarding. Devs get dev-based sample projects, for instance.
    • People think there are core difference that mean it won’t serve their niche.
    • A perfectly placed “if” condition can go a long way toward improving conversions. Technically easy to do.
  3. Trial scores
    • Lead scoring. Started scoring all new trials. So he can determine which trials to manual outreach.
    • Take a snapshot of db when a user buys. Find commonalities. If they do all the commonalities = 100% score.
    • Use to power different emails for good trial/bad trial sequences.
    • Then, what caused these scores to inform onboarding.
  4. Educate everywhere
    • Your product is a very small part of customer’s business.
    • Sends a manual email when a proposal closes. Responses become excellent testimonial fodder.
  5. Do an exit interview
    • Funnel doesn’t always give big picture
    • When you put credit card upfront, you require people to cancel, which means you can ask them why they’re canceling.
    • This alone is one of the best features I’ve added to Planscope.
    • Look for trends, features that are missing, environmental factors.
    • Why weren’t you using? Find followup cancel opportunities.
    • Most emotional when they cancel, best time to gather feedback.
  6. Increase LTV
    • Why don’t you upgrade from trial now? I’ll give you this book in exchange.
    • Figure out when accounts typically churn, email a few months before with a coupon discount for life. Make their account more valuable over time.


  • No one’s ever complained about privacy implications with sending email with first closed proposal.
  • Constantly pausing autoresponders and send email out manual instead.
  • Customer happiness scores, weighted by probability of converting? 100 score is typical conversion. Not scientific.
  • How do you maintain the state of mind when working on the product so little at times? Early mornings. Have a lot of other stuff going on. No multitasking. Support is more intermittent.
  • Biggest competition is Excel and email. Newsletters/ebooks make more sense to educate on the existence of a problem. Less friction than signing up for an account.